
Quick & Accurate Results from Our On-site Lab

Veterinary Laboratory in Raleigh

We know how important it is to get your pet’s wellness test results right away. That is precisely why we maintain our on site laboratory.

Laboratory testing now only allows for our veterinarians to check your pet’s wellness, but they also allow for accurate diagnoses as well as monitoring of treatment regimes.

Having an onsite laboratory means that our veterinarians can perform regular testing of your pet’s internal functions. Onsite availability also means that in most cases, test results are returned quickly and without having to wait to send out samples to other locations.

Comprehensive Laboratory Testing Services We Offer

Our laboratory testing services offer availability of a wide range of testing and diagnostic tools.

Thyroid Level Testing

As with humans, our pets can experience difficulty with their health as a result of varying levels of thyroid hormones. Our lab allows for testing of these in order to pinpoint any thyroid hormone deviations.

Blood Counts

Again, just like in people, blood counts offer a wide range of information to our veterinarians about your pet’s health. Many conditions can be determined by looking at your pet’s blood count levels including anemia and infection.

Serum Chemistry

Serum chemistry, like blood count levels, allow our veterinarians to get a better picture of your pet’s health from the serum in your pet’s blood. Serum is the fluid that remains after blood cells have been removed from the blood, and it can tell a lot about your pet’s current state of health including protein, glucose, and sodium levels.

Electrolyte Testing

Electrolyte testing allows for our veterinarians to measure the different levels of electrolytes within your pet’s body. This is commonly utilized to assess heart disease symptoms, high blood pressure and liver and kidney disease.

Parasite Identification

A number of parasites that your pet is susceptible to are difficult to identify without certain equipment. Our laboratory allows for fast and accurate identification of these critters to quickly eliminate them with treatment.